Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The Old Dairy Factory
Hands up anyone with a good suggestion for the old Kaipara Co-op Dairy Factory building, now up for sale.
It's a prime spot, right smack bang on the town's Southern entrance (although admittedly right on the rail line and much of it down in a bit of a hole).
Just let me just get my tongue firmly in my cheek ... maybe it could be the site for the new World Cup stadium - after all, it is right on the rail line, which seems to be a major consideration for the Government (despite the fact no-one seems to use the trains...) It's even waterfront, if not in quite such a glamorous way as downtown Auckland ;-)
It would be a shame to see the building re-used as a factory, considering it's location.
My wife is all for knocking it down and creating a park on the site - quite a nice idea, I thought, though I can just see the council falling over itself to fork out money for something like that!
Most of the building is pretty much just an ugly old eyesore, although the main entrance part is sort of art deco-ish, with its curved walls and glass blocks. Perhaps that bit could be retained and used as the basis for something a bit more attractive.
There was talk a few years back of creating an arts centre in the building, and I still think that's a good idea considering the wealth of artistic talent in the area (see my previous post). Those sorts of things often work quite well, with artists practising their crafts in a rabbit-warren sort of old building.
Whether there's enough of a market to keep something like that running full time in Helensville is a bit doubtful though; it would probably work well as a weekend-only affair, but the setup costs probably make that financially unviable.
So, what else? Come on locals - put your thinking caps on, and get your wallets out!

It's a prime spot, right smack bang on the town's Southern entrance (although admittedly right on the rail line and much of it down in a bit of a hole).
Just let me just get my tongue firmly in my cheek ... maybe it could be the site for the new World Cup stadium - after all, it is right on the rail line, which seems to be a major consideration for the Government (despite the fact no-one seems to use the trains...) It's even waterfront, if not in quite such a glamorous way as downtown Auckland ;-)
It would be a shame to see the building re-used as a factory, considering it's location.
My wife is all for knocking it down and creating a park on the site - quite a nice idea, I thought, though I can just see the council falling over itself to fork out money for something like that!
Most of the building is pretty much just an ugly old eyesore, although the main entrance part is sort of art deco-ish, with its curved walls and glass blocks. Perhaps that bit could be retained and used as the basis for something a bit more attractive.
There was talk a few years back of creating an arts centre in the building, and I still think that's a good idea considering the wealth of artistic talent in the area (see my previous post). Those sorts of things often work quite well, with artists practising their crafts in a rabbit-warren sort of old building.
Whether there's enough of a market to keep something like that running full time in Helensville is a bit doubtful though; it would probably work well as a weekend-only affair, but the setup costs probably make that financially unviable.
So, what else? Come on locals - put your thinking caps on, and get your wallets out!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The Arts in Helensville
Apologies again for the lack of blogging of late - work is driving me crazy!
Am I the only one that's constantly surprised by the amount of artistic talent in our little neck of the woods?
I know there are artists throughout the country, but it does seem there are an awful lot (and I mean 'awful' in the nicest sense!) just around the Helensville area.
There are obviously the particularly well-known ones - like painters Fiona Whyte, Rosemary Parcell, Sarah McBeath, and sculptors Diane McGarvey and Geoff Thompson. But there are literally dozens more working quietly away, which is very encouraging.
Perhaps they're more noticeable now because things are getting more organised. There's the Art Kaipara group, the Art Stop Cafe which has a gallery and organises all sorts of artistic endeavours, and various annual events like the Dimensions exhibition at Waitoki and Sculpture in the Garden at Nestlebrae.
It's not just the visual arts either.
Just look at the huge growth in the performing arts over the last couple of years, thanks mainly to the formation of PACKS (Performing Arts Kaipara South), driven largely by Kaipara College teacher Nick Roberts.
This group of like-minded people brings us an annual variety showcase, Christmas in the 'Ville, plus regular performances at places like the Grand Hotel and the Riverview Restaurant and other one-off events.
A large focus for PACKS (can't say the acronym does much for me - 'Focus on ART' would be more memorable; think about it!) is in encouraging the area's young talent, and it's doing a great job too. Geez, we've even had out own NZ Idol - well done Emilie Harwood for going so far in that competition.
So come on everyone - dig out your paint set or dust off the piano accordian and have a go too.

Am I the only one that's constantly surprised by the amount of artistic talent in our little neck of the woods?
I know there are artists throughout the country, but it does seem there are an awful lot (and I mean 'awful' in the nicest sense!) just around the Helensville area.
There are obviously the particularly well-known ones - like painters Fiona Whyte, Rosemary Parcell, Sarah McBeath, and sculptors Diane McGarvey and Geoff Thompson. But there are literally dozens more working quietly away, which is very encouraging.
Perhaps they're more noticeable now because things are getting more organised. There's the Art Kaipara group, the Art Stop Cafe which has a gallery and organises all sorts of artistic endeavours, and various annual events like the Dimensions exhibition at Waitoki and Sculpture in the Garden at Nestlebrae.
It's not just the visual arts either.
Just look at the huge growth in the performing arts over the last couple of years, thanks mainly to the formation of PACKS (Performing Arts Kaipara South), driven largely by Kaipara College teacher Nick Roberts.
This group of like-minded people brings us an annual variety showcase, Christmas in the 'Ville, plus regular performances at places like the Grand Hotel and the Riverview Restaurant and other one-off events.
A large focus for PACKS (can't say the acronym does much for me - 'Focus on ART' would be more memorable; think about it!) is in encouraging the area's young talent, and it's doing a great job too. Geez, we've even had out own NZ Idol - well done Emilie Harwood for going so far in that competition.
So come on everyone - dig out your paint set or dust off the piano accordian and have a go too.